It just occurred to me this last week that “plenty of time to plan during summer break” hasn’t happened yet. We also haven’t yet set a date to “go back to school.” Where are the quiet days with plenty of time on my hands to spend devoted to planning out the next year of academics? Sometimes I think this summer has been busier than the past school year. I am yearning for the days that have some semblance of a schedule.
So here I am, on the fly, doing some goal brainstorming. I will probably make changes to these as we get started and as the year progresses..
Daughter #1:
- Finish current Mathusee level by Christmas Break (haven’t set a date for that yet), Begin next Mathusee level in January.
- Stay on schedule with Language Arts
- Complete current Sequential Spelling lists and advance to next level by Spring? Need to look and see how many weeks are left in current level.
- Memorize all 50 states and capitals, memorize Presidents in order.
Finish current AWANA book by Christmas (again, need to verify exactly where she’s at to make sure this is a reasonable goal).
Daughter #2:
- Finish current Mathusee Level by Christmas Break. Begin next Mathusee Level in January 2014.
- Complete current Sequential Spelling lists by the end of the school year.
- Stay on schedule with Language Arts (we use Time4Learning and love it!).
- Complete Level 2 swimming lessons by end of year.
Both kiddos:
- Begin year by making songbook
- Finish Story of the World – first book
- Begin/Finish Apologia: Zoology 2
- Set a table properly by Thanksgiving
- Have girls help with meal making / planning
- Take a field trip to the aquarium
- Field trip to Fort Langley around Thanksgiving?
- Do more art projects
- Have more fun!