second day of school (2013-2014)

I’m tired and grouchy and I need a time-out.  There. I said it.

This morning started off with the youngest telling Daddy she thought Saturday was too far away.  He agreed.  I agreed.  And that small statement seemed to set the tone for the day.  I felt bad for my girls.  They got to deal with me all day.  While I was telling them to have happy hearts, I really was speaking more to myself.

“School” is going fine.  I still think it’s going to be a good year for us.  I am seeing already where I need to have patience.  I am also seeing where I need to give myself a little grace and not try to be supermom.

Tomorrow will be better 🙂

What we did today:

Mommy had coffee and started V.A. work.

No special breakfast.. in fact.. I know they had breakfast, but I can’t remember what.

They got dressed and brushed teeth.


Mommy asked for 5 more minutes to finish work

Told them George Washington was the first president.  Maybe we’ll get a little book at the library tomorrow.

Spelling tests

Madie – continued reading Stuart Little

Adrie – read a book of her choice

Both started Time4Learning in their new grades.

Mommy made homemade spaghetti sauce.

Both had first math lessons of the year

Dinner barely got done in time to leave for AWANA.  Girls sucked theirs down.