nw mama’s meal planning: leftovers & inspiration

What to do with Leftovers (Re-Purposing) I was once discussing grocery shopping and meal planning with a friend of mine, and when I said the word “leftovers,” she said that her family refuses to eat the dreaded “leftovers.” I know, I feel the same way about them. But I hate wasting food, especially when good, …

nw mama’s dinner menu for week 20, 2014

I planned on posting this for you on Sunday evening, but after an extended weekend of company, I was exhausted. I apologize if you have been waiting with bated breath. You may exhale now. NW Mama’s Menu for May 12-18

nw mama’s dinner menu for week 19, 2014

I plan our dinner meals monthly to save my sanity, time and money. Rather than post it all at once, I’ll try to post weekly to make it less overwhelming for you and me. NW Mama’s Menu for May 5-11