I Didn’t Know it Would End Like This.

Goodbye 2016. Boy, has it been real. I really didn’t expect it to end this way, but I am really looking forward to the journey in 2017. God has brought me this far, and I’m still trusting Him to lead.

catching up… finally

It’s been a good, long while since I’ve posted anything. Part of that is laziness, part of that is a “dry spell,” and part of it is just being plain busy with “real life.”

I had a mom tell me I needed to start blogging more. That was several months ago, and it has been nagging at the corners of my mind. What do I have to say that would inspire anyone? Maybe nothing.. maybe something.

nw mama’s meal planning: leftovers & inspiration

What to do with Leftovers (Re-Purposing) I was once discussing grocery shopping and meal planning with a friend of mine, and when I said the word “leftovers,” she said that her family refuses to eat the dreaded “leftovers.” I know, I feel the same way about them. But I hate wasting food, especially when good, …

happy mother’s day

It’s Mother’s Day weekend, and if you are a mom, I hope you are feeling especially appreciated and loved as Sunday arrives. I can tell you, right at this moment, I am feeling loved. My husband has graciously stepped in as host to our out of town guests, while I hide in my makeshift office and …